<aside> 💰 Woohoo it’s time for the fun stuff! Who doesn’t like money? 🫣


Accepting LemonSqueezy Payments

<aside> 👉 Stripe payment handling is located below this section.


1. Creating a product

These steps are listed considering that you already have a LemonSqueezy account and store set up.

The first step in setting up payments is creating a product in your LemonSqueezy store profile. Here are the steps:

  1. Open your LemonSqueezy dashboard

  2. Under the “Store” tab in the side menu, click “Products”

  3. Once at the Product Page, click “New Product” and fill out the necessary information.

    Please note: pyShip only handles Single Payments as of v1.0.1 — Subscription handling coming soon.

    3a. After filling out the information, we suggest you to add a Confirmation Modal that redirects the customer back to your website.


    Screen Shot 2024-08-04 at 6.59.47 PM.png

And that’s it! You just created a product. Now, let’s go set up the webhook and backend!

2. Creating the Webhook, Using ngrok & pyShip Configuration

<aside> 🕸️ For the payment handling of your site, you will need to set up a webhook.


But…. before we even get started with the webhook, you’ll be testing & working on your localhost, so LemonSqueezy won’t be able to reach your website. To solve this issue, **download & install ngrok.**

We will go through setting up ngrok right after we set up the webhook.

2a. Setting up the Webhook:

  1. Open your LemonSqueezy dashboard

  2. Under the “Settings” tab in the side menu, click “Webhooks

  3. Once at the Webhooks page, click on the plus icon next to the Webhooks header

    Screen Shot 2024-08-04 at 7.09.32 PM(1).png

  4. After clicking the plus icon, first fill out your Callback URL. This is: https://your.domain/webhook

    It is very important you make sure to add the /webhook ending.

    If you are working on localhost, we will come switch this to a temporary domain provided by ngrok in a bit. For now, put some placeholder in the respective input.