Creating the Firebase Project

Since we got our project situated, we can now work on the database. Head over to Firebase and create a new project. Enter the project name, configure the following settings and finally click “Create Project”.

Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 5.17.47 PM.png

Your screen should look like this. For specific questions and help, Join our discord!

Creating the Database

Once you have created the project and are the page seen above, go to the side menu and under the “Build” tab click “Realtime Database”

Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 5.20.24 PM.png

Once there, click “Create Database”. After clicking the button, you’ll be greeted by a pop-up modal. Choose the right database location, and make sure to set your Security Rules to “Start in Locked Mode.”

→ And boom!—You’re done creating the database!


<aside> 🛠 This section covers how you can configure the database you just created into your pyShip project.


1. Getting Account JSON & Project Setup

  1. Firstly, open your Firebase project, and by “Project Overview” on the side menu, click the Cog/Settings icon and press “Project Settings”.

Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 5.36.47 PM.png

  1. Once at your project settings, head over to “Service Accounts” located at the upper nav bar and click “Generate new private key”

Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 5.48.19 PM.png

  1. This will download a JSON file onto your computer. Open this file, copy its contents, and paste it into the service_account.json file in the project directory.